Uned 3&4

2/12/19 dydd Llun

Heddiw roeddwn i yn cael fy Diagnostic Assessment gyda Iwan ac Owein, rydw i bellach yn gweithio yn adran Fine Art y coleg. Dewisais yr adran yma oherwydd fy mod eisiau canolbwyntio ar peintio ar meintiau amrywiol. Roedd Iwan ac Owein yn cytuno efo fy penderfyniad er fy mod wedi bod yn meddwl am dewis Applied arts o’r blaen. newidiais fy meddwl oherwydd roeddwn yn credu roeddwn yn gallu defnyddio y gweithiau papur o dan Fine Art a cael y cymorth roeddwn i angen ar gyfer fy peintio yr un adeg.

3/12/19 dydd Mawrth

Heddiw oedd y diwrnod cyntaf ers y diagnostic assessment lle roeddwn yn cychwyn yn ein mannau newydd. roeddwn yn clirio’r stiwdio yn y bore a cael newydd i weithio, felly bod pawb yn yr un lle. yn y prynhawn cawsom y blog newydd. roedd Graphic design a Fine art yn derbyn yr un briff, a applied arts yn cael un wahanol.

3/12/19 – 13/12/19

y briff newydd oedd i creu 5 darn o weithiau fach pob dydd o dan themau y newyddion.

Mae yna bellach 54 sgwar bach…


roedden ni yn derbyn briff i unai cyfuno’r gweithiau i gyd mewn un llun dipyn llai na darn papur A2, neu canolbwyntio ar un llun penodol, neu creu rhywbeth hollol wahanol.

5 pieces a day final piece


dros y gwyliau dolig cawsom briff i weithio ar sketchbook newydd. roedd dau opsiwn ar y briff yma, dyma’r un dwi wedi penderfynnu defnyddio:

DESIGN,MAKE, AND FILL a sketch book. work seriously within the book on a daily basis, including christmas day, making reference to your own experiences this christmas. be broad in your interpretation of what a sketch book could be…it could be 3 dimensional. for example…could contain flashing lights…sound…etc, etc.

wrth wneud y gwaith dolig roeddwn ni yn penderfynnu defnyddio thema “alternative christmas”.

dyma’r canlyniadau:

y refugees yn Syria
y protests yn India
Refugees ar cefn loriau, Mwslimiaid mewn camps yn Tsiena a tannoedd Awstralia


Wrth gweithio efo Pontio roedd pawb yn cael ei roi mewn grwpiau gwahanol i weithio ar darnau i gael ei arddangos mewn llefydd gwahanol o gwmpas y adeilad. roeddwn i yn y grwp a oedd yn creu darn o waith i’w roi ar y 10m truss ar lefel 2 wrth y caffi.

Roedden ni yn penderfynnu yn eithaf gyflym i greu darn a oedd yn tynnu sylw tuag at y juglo yn lle y dawnsio na’r culture Indiaidd. y peth anoddach oedd prynu y deunyddiau ar gyfer y gwaith, gan roedd yn rhaid i ni weithio allan pa deunudd a fuasa’n fwyaf dda i’w ddefnyddio ar gyfer gwaith sy’n hongian. i gychwyn roedden ni yn meddwl defnyddio MDF, heb sylweddoli faint mor drwm yr oedd a hefyd nad oedden ni yn gallu cael y maint cywir.

Roedden ni yn y diwedd yn setlo ar gyfer canvas, gan nad oedd o mor drwm ac roedden ni yn bwriadu ei phaentio yn y diwedd beth bynnag ac felly roedd yn addas. Roedden ni yn gorfod paentio’r ddau ochor oherwydd nad oedd y canvas wedi cael ei primio, felly roedd yn mynd trwy i’r ochr arall. doedd hyn ddim yn broblem oherwydd fod y criw Pontio yn meddwl fuasa’n well paentio ar yr ochr arall hefyd oherwydd roedd modd gweld y cefn o’r tu allan lle mae’r ‘gofod’.

roedd yn cymryd gormod o amser i neud y waith yma, gan ein fod ar deadline fach i gymharu ar blynyddoedd diwethaf roedd yn teimlo fel amser brin, ond wrth i ni mynd ymlaen roedden ni i gyd yn cael digon rili, ac eisiau gorffen y gwaith i allu cario’n mlaen efo’r briff newydd a roddwyd.

dyma’r canlyniadau o’r gwaith a hefyd y gweddill yn pontio ei hun.

bron a gorffen ochr 1!!!
aros am Pontio i ddod a casglu’r gwaith…
ma’r gwaith i fyny!

Junko Mori lecture

er fod y lecture yma wedi bod ers meitin, rwan dwi’n ei rhoi i fyny…

Cafodd ei eni yn Japan, ac mae wedi derbyn mwyafrif o’u haddysg yno, heblaw am rhai yn y DU, mae’n proffesiynol wrth ddefnyddio gwaith metal ac arian, mae ganddi gwaith dros y byd, ac mae’n byw yng Ngogledd Cymru. mae ei waith yn cael ei wneud oherwydd ei ddiddordeb yn y corff dynol, i wneud efo celloedd, a sut mae’n gallu rhoi hyn i fewn i metal a arian. mae ganddi hefyd diddordeb mewn gwaith natur ac mae ganddi llwythi o weithiau wedi’w selio ar coed, blodau a planhigion sy’n tyfu’n wyllt o’m cwmpas.

er fy mod yn gweld mwy o ddiddordeb mewn gwaith paentio, roedd yn diddorol clywed ei stori bywyd a sut mae wedi dod i fod yn arlunydd enwog a llwyddiannus

Ronan Devlin lecture

Mae Ronan Devlin yn artist yn y DU y mae ei waith yn edrych ar y croestoriad o emosiwn, canfyddiad synnwyr a’r byd materol. Gan weithio ar draws gwaith argraffu, sgrin a gosod amlsynhwyraidd, gan ganolbwyntio ar ymgysylltu â chynulleidfaoedd, mae’n cynhyrchu gwaith hunan-gymhellol a chomisiynwyd sydd wedi’u harddangos yn eang.

mae wedi gweithio ar draws yr DU ac hefyd wedi neud llawer o waith yn llandudno, yn cynnwys yr oriel Mostyn.


Gosodiad clyfar a blaengar lle mae drych digidol yn adlewyrchu cynnig ac emosiwn y gynulleidfa sy’n creu dolen adborth emosiynol rhwng y gwaith celf a’r gynulleidfa.

Mae’r gwaith delwedd symudol yn cipio ffurf a theimladau’r gynulleidfa gyda’r camera a thechnoleg synnwyr biometrig. Mae symudiad a gwedd pob cyfranogwr yn cael eu cyfleu fel cysylltair corff sy’n allyrru tĂ´n lliw. Mae’r siapiau rheiddiol sy’n deillio ohonynt, a gynhyrchir mewn amser real, yn effeithio ar ei gilydd ac yn cael eu cymhathu i’r darn dros amser.

Briff 27fed Ionawr-14eg Chwefror

gwaith ymchwil ar Frank Stella

Creu Paentiad 6x4ft a Cerflun gyda taldra o 6ft

Y peth cynta ddywedais oedd: dwi ddim yn hoffi sculpture

Mae’r briff yma eisioes wedi newid fy perspective o gweithio ac arbrofi ar gweithiadau gwahanol, ac rydw i bellach yn hapus i arbrofi lle mae angen.

Penderfynnais fy mod am creu cerflun o baentiad felly roeddwn yn gallu creu paentiad, fel yr oeddwn yn hapus iw wneud a meddwl tra paentio sut yr oeddwn i am creu cerflun ohonni. Roeddwn i yn panicio braidd oherwydd doeddwn i ddim yn siwr sut, efo’r thema emosiynau yr oeddwn i am creu cerflun.

Ar ol gorffen y paentiad penderfynnais cyfuno’r paentiad a’r cerflun efo’u gilydd. Roeddwn i yn cymryd llawer o meddyliau gwahanol cyn cymryd y gwaith oddi ar y wal a creu pabell.

Mae’r lluniau isod yn dangos sut dechreuais y gwaith, gwaith llyfr sgetch ac y ddarn gorffenedig.

dyma beth mae’r pabell yn edrych wedi’w dad-blygu
final piece

Personal Statement

Er fy mod ddim yn rhoi cais i Prifysgol blwyddyn yma, fe wnes i rhoi cais bwlyddyn diwethaf ac gan fy mod yn parhau i prifysgol rydw i wedi ychwanegu’r gwaith isod. Mae mewn Saesneg gan fy mod wedi rhoi cais i Newcastle, Sunderland, Manchester Metropolitan, Cardiff Metropolitan a Aberystwyth i’r gradd Fine Art.

While working with Music and Art as a combined subject, instead of two separate courses, I have realised that I really enjoy using them both to create a creative project. I have realised that this is what I like doing and what I hope to do as I continue through higher education, and then eventually in my future career. My A level course work is an installation. I started looking more into this particular style of artwork as it is a perfect way of combining Music and Art together. I hope to be able to create successful pieces of artwork, where I will be able to play a piece of music that I have composed, and then show them the art, hoping that they have imagined what I have created.
I was selected to undertake a ‘Raising the Bar’ course, run by the Criw Celf company that was an introduction to the Fine Art Foundation course in Coleg Menai, Bangor. This enabled me to have first hand experience of working with artists. I learnt new techniques throughout the course, which I am now able to deliver into my A level art work. This gave me the opportunity to speak to artists about their interests, and I was lucky to meet one who also combined music with art. While undertaking the course I was able to visit two Galleries; Galeri Caernarfon and Oriel MĂ´n, in North Wales, where I saw work by highly experienced artists such as Kyffin Williams and Josie Russell. I took a particular interest in Kyffin Williams’ work, especially his piece called ‘Rough Sea at Trearddur’, which I used as inspiration while undertaking one of the Criw Celf courses. I used this to portray how dangerous the sea could be and also, was told by the working artist that my work made her think about the poem ‘Not Waving But Drowning’ by Stevie Smith.
I am currently working towards my Grade 8 flute and singing exams, which I hope to take early 2019. I have also achieved up to Grade 5 Piano, and Grade 5 Theory. Three years ago, I was fortunate to be accepted, through audition, into the Four Counties Woodwind Orchestra and I have been attending each year since then. Throughout my education I have taken part in the school choir, and orchestra which led to me taking part in the Urdd Eisteddfod most years with the school choir, solo voice, flute and piano. I have attended Flintshire county Youth, Intermediate and Senior choir, and the Intermediate and Senior Wind Band. In 2015, I joined Conwy Senior Orchestra and Conwy Woodwind Ensemble. I am entering my last year with them now. As one of the Senior members of the Woodwind Ensemble, I was asked to help within the Developing Woodwind Players group, which was launched late November 2018. I was there, along with another Senior member, to sit next to the young players and play with them and help when they needed it.
I started working within my first job in 2016. I worked at Iechyd Da Delicatessen in Betws y Coed. During my time in this job I was serving customers, working behind the till, working with fresh food, re-stocking shelves with new items from deliveries, and cleaning the shop at the end of the day. I am now currently working at Caffi Caban y Pair, in Betws y Coed. Here, I serve customers behind the till, making and taking out coffee and serving food to customers. At the end of the day, my duties are to clean the bathroom, sweep and mop the floor and do the dishes. I have gained better communication skills while working at the Caffi and the Deli and find it much easier to work in groups when needed.
I am unsure as yet of my long-term career plans. However, I am certain that I want to pursue a future career that combines my love of music and art and studying at your university will definitely assist me to achieve my goal.

Rydw i wedi bellach clywed gan y Prifysgolion ac rydw i wedi derbyn lle Unconditional gan Prifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd i astudio Celf Gain yn mis Medi 2020

Exhibition For Empathy

Dros y penwythnos (28 Chwefror-1 Mawrth) fe wnes i cymryd rhan mewn arddangosfa a oedd yn codi arian tuag at yr elusen Wires yn Awstralia sydd yn edrych ar ol yr anifeiliaid a affeithwyd yn y tannoedd wyllt.

Llwyddon ni i codi tua ÂŁ350 tuag at yr elusen sydd o gwmpas $600 doleri Awstralia.

Llyn Ogwen
coedwig Dinrowig
Castell C’narfon
Erwin y Koala
Polar bear family

Fe wnes i talu i cymryd rhan yn y cystadleuaeth a roeddwn i yn llwyddiannus i ennill y prosecco ar ol ennill pleidlais y cyhoedd. Mae’r gwaith bellach yn mynd tuag at y Glaeri yn Caernarfon, lle mae fy ngwaith i a gwaith rhywyn arall yn cael eu barnu gan experts ac mae’r person llwyddiannus yn cael eu gwaith eu arddangos yn y Galeri blwyddyn nesaf (2021).

Welding, Brazing, Printmaking and Photography

Dyma’r briff olaf cyn y Final Major Project, lle mae’r tiwtoriaid eisiau iddyn ni arbrofi gyda deunyddiau gwahanol.

rydw i wedi arbrofi gyda’r torch brazing


rydw i wedi creu llyfr gyda dur oddi wrth heater hen a ddaru torri.

ar y llyfr mae genai lluniau o cymeriadau o fy hoff lyfrau a hefyd ar y clawr mae genai teitlau’r llyfrau.

darn terfynol, tu fewn i’r llyfr
clawr y darn terfynol

Gwaith Ymchwil

Robert Capa
Phillip Jones Griffiths

Annie Atkins Lecture 5.3.2020

gan fod y darlith yma wedi chael ei gynnal trwy’r cyfrwng Saesneg, yn yr iaith hon mae fy nodiadau:

Annie Atkins is a Graphic Designer for filmmaking, she designs the props that actors use. During the lecture she describes how normally the props would be sitting in the background not imediately getting full attention from the viewers. However during her time working for Wes Anderson she has recognised that he tries to give every prop a character to gain more viewing from the public eye.

Annie Atkins studied the foundation course, which i am currently undertaking in 1998-1999 and specialised i Graphics. She then went on to study Visual Communication design, and after graduation moved back to Dolwyddelan to work with her parents who are also designers. After undertaking this career for a while she decided to move to Advertising, where shee was constantly using digital forms of work and very rarely used a pen and paper to make her designs. She later moved to Dublin to study filmmaking in the UCD film school and fell in love with that type of Graphics design.

While working on the tv program The Tudors she was designing props such as scrolls and stained glass windows. She is a strong believer that if something was made by hand during that period in time, then when she was making a replica, she would also make it by hand. However when she works on more modern work, she uses her Mac to do the designing.

Whle working on Box Trolls, she designed all the labels for the boxes, while working alongside the production designer, who had specific demands on how the work should look, in this case there were no straight lines to be used at all, all lines had to have some curve in them because the production designer was basing the designs of a street in York, which its buildings are top-heavy. So, in order to get the ideal effect, not a single line in all of the designing is straight.

A quote that Annie Atkins told us was from Peter Prendergast which got told to her during her time on the Foundation course. “Stop looking at your hand, you have to look at the world around you.”

The Grand Budapest Hotel

something she told us was that artists are constantly borrowing and stealing. Later while on the topic of The Grand Budapest Hotel, she told us how she starts to plan her work. The first thing she will always do is take the script and highlight any mention of objects. These will then go into a Script Breakdown which gets rid of any writing that isnt necessary for the Graphic Design section. Another important part was that she mentioned how Assistant Directors choose the order the film gets created. Films are barely ever film in story order. Exeptions to this are films like E.T.

Something interesting Annie Atkins described to us was Continuety Error. and how graphics always make multiple models, and theyre always identical. Sites such as IMDb criticise such mistakes, where in a film they choose two different parts where the sound is the best, however some people notice the smallest changes in props, where something isnt quite exactly identical to the previous one.

Annie Atkins finds Sketchbook and Notebook work remarkable, mainly as shes always been around people drawing while growing up in that environment, she stresses how important research is as while she believes people can be ingeniously creative, ypu cant just think everything up. She has had 12 years in the industry.

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